Freedom To Choose
The fight against erosions of freedom...
About F2C...

Freedom To Choose

About Us

Freedom To Choose aims to protect the informed choices of consenting adults on the issue of smoking.
We campaign actively to prevent the victimisation of smokers, social division, social isolation, and to alleviate the negative social and economic impacts of the smoking ban.
We are funded entirely by donations from the general public and have no financial connections either now or in the past with any tobacco manufacturing, tobacco distribution or tobacco retail industries, nor with any pharmaceutical or smoking cessation commercial interests.
Our membership, which is open to all individuals who agree with and support our aims, consists of both smokers and non smokers.


Our Constitution and rules.

Freedom To Choose is an unincorporated membership association.
Its first formal written constitution was adopted on 31 October 2007.
The constitution can be viewed and downloaded here.


Our History

Freedom To Choose was originally born from users of an internet forum called ‘The Big Debate’ back in late 2005.

During 2006 to 2007, in the run-up to the implementation of the smoking ban, this forum group became more active. Its members started lobbying MPs and Peers of the House of Lords.
At that time it was suggested that the working name be changed to ‘Freedom to Choose’ as it would better reflect the aims.
Under this new name there was significant success in organising opposition to the legislation in the House of Lords with the help of many Peers, chief among them Lord Stoddart of Swindon.
In 2007 Freedom to Choose instigated a judicial review against the government over the Health Act 2006 which brought in the smoking ban in England. A decision was taken not to continue with the initiative because of a lack of funds to meet potentially high legal advice and representation costs.
Freedom to Choose was also involved during 2007 with a number of protest marches, including in Glastonbury and Bristol.

Other names

Freedom To Choose is sometimes known as Freedom-2-Choose or, more simply, F2C. There has never been any connection with other businesses, groups or websites using a similar name; except for our independent sister organisation Freedom To Choose (Scotland).


Smoke Ban Review
How many people know that the promised SMOKING BAN REVIEW has already been delivered? To read our response:

Click here...
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