Freedom To Choose
The fight against erosions of freedom...
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Freedom To Choose Useful Links

Here are three sites that we hope wil be of interest. Please see our main links page for a more comprehensive list.

Nothing 2 Declare

Disclaimer: Nothing to Declare is not part of F2C but is entirely legal and we recommend supporters to visit it.

The Cross-Border Shopper is a target for the UKBA/HMRC. If you are a Cross-Border Shopper buying tobacco/cigarettes you become a PRIME target for UKBA/HMRC
Get advice on cross-border shopping. Appeals against seizures. DO NOT BE WRONGLY BRANDED A SMUGGLER. This site is of critical importance to shoppers. These guys do not just talk the talk. They walk the walk.

In particular, you can help fellow cross-border shoppers:

Smokers United

This is an international smoking rooms hotel booking website run by volunteers. It’s also very useful and kept up to date.

The Pipe Club of London

This is a pipe smokers club association run by a committee like us.


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If you are concerned about the erosions of freedom being imposed by the Government, please donate towards the Freedom2Choose Fighting Fund.
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