How long will it be before the health of our citizens becomes a reality?

It’s taken over 50 years, as this report briefly reflects, for the UK Audit Commission to state the obvious:

Latest data from the Commons Environment Audit Committee warns that up to 50,000 people each year are meeting a premature death in the UK thanks to air pollution, with an annual health care bill of up to £20.2 billion. The biggest culprit? Transport, responsible for 70 percent of pollution in towns and cities.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against people using forms of transport.  What I am against is government-funded campaign groups making scapegoats of others as an easy option.

Back in 1998 Dr Kitty Little proved the obvious as well, much to the disgust of the anti-smoking lobbies.

It’s a shame that the filthy lucre that follows the anti-smoking zealots under the name of “health” isn’t placed where it’s needed into 21st Century Technology and Solutions.

Obviously, tackling chemicals that pollute our environment is a difficult task, so our government and main charities target the easier option – smoking. This way they ‘appear’ to be doing something; what they are really doing is negligible when it comes to tackling the primary prevention of certain diseases.

One could actually be cynical – certain anti-smoking organisations have lobbied for a law to be passed through our Parliament that is detrimental to the health of UK citizens.

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