We hear today that the Scottish government has announced the postponement (until further notice) of the introduction of the proposed Tobacco Display Ban-due to be implemented from October 1st, 2011.

“Hoots mon, a wee bit of common sense prevails”

There has never been a shred of evidence that hiding fag packets and pipe tobacco etc has markedly decreased the number of under 16’s taking up smoking-and there never will be. But, according to ASH it was the natural next step in banning tobacco altogether (?) [Why would you want to ban something that earns the government so much revenue and gives so many people immense pleasure?]

Despite all of ASH’s attempts to create the aura of complete brainwashed belief the Scottish government has, at last, heeded the words of much involved organisations… err… like small shopkeepers… WOW oh WOW!

ASH have not had their evil way this time and have dished out their own churlish response to the news; our ‘beloved’ Sheila Duffy squawking like a scolded brat with its sweeties taken away….

It is disappointing that a tobacco display ban for large retailers will not be able to be introduced this year due to continuing tobacco industry legal challenges, but sadly not in any way surprising. Worldwide, the tobacco industry constantly seeks to delay, dilute or derail any policy or legislation that threatens its power to recruit new smokers and keep current smokers addicted. Despite losing the arguments over introducing a retail tobacco display ban in Parliament, and losing a petition for judicial review, Imperial Tobacco continues to use its vast profits to challenge measures that are aimed at preventing young people from starting to smoke. Once the legal process is complete, I look forward to the introduction of the retail display ban that will help shut down the direct advertising of this lethal product in our shops.

Sheila, let me help you out dear! Has it not occurred to you that the tobacco industry has had enough of your antics. They have humoured you long enough you, daft bat. You are attacking a multi-million pound industry that provides 25%-28% of the population with a pleasurable product.  You have killed the pub industry in Scotland and south of the border, why do you feel that you need to slaughter the small shopkeeper as well?

Of course, we must thank our sister organisation f2c Scotland for the tremendous work they have put in to ensure the tobacco display ban does not go ahead as planned. This is a major step forward by f2c as a whole, for f2c are now as well voiced in and around Holyrood as they are in Westminster.

Despite the legal challenge by BT, f2c Scotland deserve much praise for the pressure constantly applied to the Scottish parliament. ASH have virtually carried all before them for the past 7 years-what a delightful ‘smack in the kisser‘ this is for them.

(Link to Story no Longer Available)