At long last common sense has prevailed as NHS Grampian sites are informed that smoking bans don’t work! It has taken 3 1/2 years for this absolute truth to be broadcast and even then, it is not a “Fred Smith” or a “David Jones” or a “Bill Baker” who has announced this wondrous thing, the gentleman’s name is Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen who is Grampians medical director!

I’m not at all sure where a name such as Dijkhuizen actually hails from but the man talks some sense-a damn sight more sense than any English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish board member Grampian NHS may have!

Read the article for yourselves and note the penultimate paragraph-the killjoy has managed to get a mention –

“…but chief executive Richard Carey said it was important to remember this was not ideal and that a ban should still be a target.”

‘Chairman Dr David Cameron disagreed, saying while the “aspiration” was for premises to be smoke-free, the board’s role was to “encourage people not to smoke rather than ban them”.’

Of course, it is ideal, as far as ideal can be present day, for it affords choice. It allows people to express themselves as they normally would. It allows people who enjoy smoking to de-stress through inhalation. Mr Carey is obviously of the non-smoking fraternity and therefore expects no one else to smoke, though he possibly arrives at work in some form of stylish ‘gas guzzler’!

Could OUR David Cameron follow the lead of his Scottish namesake and encourage not to smoke rather than simply ban! It just might save businesses, jobs and the economy!

(Link to Story no Longer Available)