I’ve been a visiting folks. I’ve been spying on our friend Captain Ranty actually, a place where there be rants, a place where there be rebellion afoot, a place where the truth will out!

Having followed the good captains progress on rebellion & freeman business I was absolutely delighted to read the attached article where fellow freedom fighter Roger Hayes has taken the court system apart as regards that horrible yearly debit known as Council Tax.

It transpires, without getting too technical, that Roger Hayes has the right to represent Mr Roger Hayes, who is Roger Hayes legal fiction! Got that so far? Jeez, I hope so!

I’ve got to be honest here, I had to read it three times to get it all to sink in properly but now I begin to understand that we are mere pawns in a game whereby we are conditioned to accept that we must pay for this that and the other-as decreed by the system. The system that we voted into power!

Thanks to his legal fiction (Mr Roger Hayes), Roger Hayes is not liable for payment of the past 3 years Council Tax. The Judge, as you will read, actually threw the gauntlet straight back at the council themselves. I can only imagine that the judge did not want to make himself look a complete imbecile.

Now, what the hell has this got to do with us? As this can be used for parking fines etc, why can this not be used for ‘smoking fines’, after all, when the smoke police take your name & address for ‘ticketing purposes they are actually recording your legal fiction name- Mr Fred Smith, Mrs Julie Smith etc etc. So, following this, dare I say precedent (?), you could ignore the FPN (fixed penalty notice) until the inevitable summons to appear in court arrives and then stand there and claim you are the “3rd party representative of (eg) Mr Fred Smith!”

OK, you have got to know ‘your onions’ as friend Roger certainly does and you certainly need balls, but, does this spell the end of the road for a myriad of penalties imposed upon us at any given moment for virtually any given ‘so-called’ offence?

A massive thank you to “rantypants” and of course to Roger Hayes (Mr or just plain Roger)

This could be the start of the legal fightback, not only for smokers but for all people!

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