Just to let you know Georgie boy, that you can put whatever you like on cigarettes, tobacco, pipe tobacco etc next week as we, the great British people no longer care what you do with our pleasure/s. Through years of careful ground floor planning we can all get our favoured smoking material a damn sight cheaper than you can ever afford to let them sell at – and we love it George

Document type: Guidance

Author: HM Government

Published date: 9 March 2011

Publication format: A4 electronic only

Gateway reference: 15513

Pages: 57

Copyright holder: Crow

implement legislation to end tobacco displays in shops;

  • look at whether the plain packaging of tobacco products could be an effective way to reduce the number of young people who take up smoking and to support adult smokers who want to quit, and consult on options by the end of the year;
  • continue to defend tobacco legislation against legal challenges by the tobacco industry, including legislation to stop tobacco sales from vending machines from October 2011;
  • continue to follow a policy of using tax to maintain the high price of tobacco products at levels that impact on smoking prevalence;
  • promote effective local enforcement of tobacco legislation, particularly on the age of sale of tobacco; 
  • encourage more smokers to quit by using the most effective forms of support, through local stop smoking services; and
  • publish a three-year marketing strategy for tobacco control.
  • to reduce adult (aged 18 or over) smoking prevalence in England to 18.5 per cent or less by the end of 2015 (from 21.2 per cent), meaning around 210,000 fewer smokers a year.
  • to reduce rates of regular smoking among 15 year olds in England to 12 per cent or less (from 15 per cent) by the end of 2015.
  • to reduce rates of smoking throughout pregnancy to 11 per cent or less (from 14 per cent) by the end of 2015 (measured at time of giving birth).

Smokers never asked for much really and smokers were always happy to contribute to the NHS; not so sure about wars like Iraq, Afghanistan etc but then who are smokers to interfere with political genius? The point being that as a diminishing population sector smokers put up and shut up – until now!

Kate Moss

The chart shows you just how ludicrously far governments have gone in taxing tobacco products-we are more than double the price of the next nearest competitor (for want of a word) @ £6.62 v £3.18, simply because ever greedy governments see smokers as ‘cash cows‘.

Bad news ‘Georgie Porgie’ – smokers just ain’t a moo-in no more mate!”

You see George, where your namesake ‘kissed the girls and made them cry’, you and your predecessors ‘taxed the smokers and made them run’. Not the brightest thing to do when you revere their immense donation to treasury coffers so much, but then once in places of power men & women seem to lose the sense of logic they had during their election campaigns – when pleading for votes!

Governments have legislated severely against smokers, much to the joy of ASHites and other nutters as lies and distortions have proven to be most acceptable to law makers when the cause sounds good enough – which only goes to prove that they themselves are as crooked as ‘Joe Bloggs’ down the road!

However Georgie boy, the people are fighting back for your predecessors Gordon Brown & Alistair Darling ensured the boom of illicit tobacco products entering this country. If you want proof, just look at S Ireland and what a complete ‘pigs ear’ their government has made of tobacco restraints

So ‘Georgie Porgie’, I urge you to increase a pack of 20 cigarettes to £100 at least, hand Rolling Tobacco to at least £100 per 50gm pouch, pipe tobacco similarly then we can watch ‘part 2‘ of “Tobacco Kills” as hundreds of small retailers go out of business-the same way as the pubs/clubs did (and still are doing!)

You are never going to stamp out smoking altogether so why bother trying, just to appease ASH and well paid ersatz scientists? You will regret the day you turned your nose up at the nice cosy £11bn per annum you are currently getting as ‘White Van Man‘ earns a nice cosy living (tax free) from your idiotic anti smoker financial designs. Listen to likes of the lunatic woman Arnott and impose more tax of smoking materials, deny this and future governments an honest revenue or, listen to common sense and leave your best income source alone for a while as the pie becomes thinner. Your ‘benefits’ payments are colossal already thanks to shutting down our industries and trying your damnedest to kill the pubs & clubs, so adding a whole new army of ex-shopkeepers to the list is pretty pointless really-unless you would like all smokers to become unemployed as they are considered no longer being worthy of modern day society?

At the end of the day George, it doesn’t really matter how long you ‘babble-on’ for next Wednesday, it matters not what feeble excuses you make for increasing this, that and the other, you will simply enhance the career prospects of the illegal tobacco trade – created by your great mates ASH!

You & yours state this is the age of Austerity-well smokers are showing great austerity-look how much they are saving George!

Aha! must go, supplier approaching street……….

(Link to Story no Longer Available)