I thought, last May, that the end was in sight, that democracy would be returning to these shores, that peoples human rights were again going to be re-instated and preserved. How wrong could I be?

Very wrong actually, apart from the fact that then, the 13 year road of destruction had self-destroyed anyway! Thirteen years of bastardising everything they could ensure that the Labour party were out of Parliament, but even then, Cameron couldn’t manage to capture enough votes to get a clear majority in the ‘House’ and had to rely on the ‘schoolboy in long pants’ to form a government. And what was the first gem of a declaration?

“Oh we’ve set up a website to hear what silly Labour laws you want repealing – but of course that doesn’t include the top answer, the Smoking Ban”!

And that ‘Cleggy’ is why your political career has reached its zenith-Deputy PM by default.

Talking of the smoking ban, it seems that the ‘righteous’ never seem to care about the forgotten millions, those that do actually enjoy a cigarette and have done for donkey’s years. Funnily enough, this sector includes our war heroes. British, American, Canadian – yes there are still plenty around you know.

The following is for ASH-ites, Banzhaff-ites, QUIT-ites, FRESH-ites, Lansley-ites, Milton-ites and all other SmokeFree-ites….

This is a photo of a man who the Righteous want to denormalise. They don’t care that he is forced out of restaurants, pubs, cafes no matter what the weather. Wind, rain, sub-zero temps, snow … the Righteous don’t care. He was a young man, full of ‘vim and vigour’ back in the day. He was ready to fight against those who wished to oppress; the Nazi Idealists.

                       William Guarnere
                Born April 28, 1923 (age 87)
William Guarnere in basic training
Nickname:  Wild Bill

They don’t care that he now only has one leg… out he goes.

The Righteous and their acolytes insult and poor scorn on him and others like him.The Righteous rant about their right to be smoke free but say nothing about this man’s rights because to them he doesn’t have any.

Oh, who is he? He’s William Guarnere, otherwise known as Wild Bill Guarnere and now 87 years old.

(“Wild Bill” now aged 87 years)

Former WW2 Paratrooper ….  Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne … Silver Star, 2 Bronze Stars, 2 Purple Hearts. He lost his leg at the Battle of the Bulge whilst trying to rescue his wounded friend who also had his leg blown off.

Recognise the name? He was portrayed in the HBO series Band of Brothers.

lf any of the Righteous are reading this… you make me puke!

You see ‘Righteous brothers & sisters’ you have become the spawn of the Devil, the sons and daughters of Satan for only evil-minded people could do what has been done to smokers. You lauded people like Wild Bill when he was fighting for our democracy. You gladly sent him tobacco and cartons of fags as he fought his way through WW2 – for YOU, for ME, for all of us, yet now you are happy to leave him to suffer the ignominy of loneliness for he dares to continue to that which you gladly allowed him to do all those years ago. Never has such hypocrisy reigned in this or any other democratic country as this monstrous move on lifestyles. You are the new Nazi style Idealists!

Have they not seen their own Dept of Health figures for cancer rates during the first year of the ban – UP 4% (M) UP 3.75% (F) yet tobacco consumption was supposedly reducing!

Have they not seen that their own Ministers have quoted 50,000 deaths per annum due to “AIR POLLUTION” or does it simply suit to ignore?

We are in the deepest financial mire possible and quite frankly, the way smokers are being treated (drinkers hot on their heels!), I wouldn’t blame every single smoker for becoming unemployed and ‘living off the state’. This government needs you, the working classes, to graft yours arses off to earn money for this country to somehow claw its way back to financial security – but, why should you?

Let the ‘RIGHTEOUS’ do it, let those who set rules to curtail 15 million peoples’ pleasures be the workhorses to see us through this miasmic maze of scrimping and saving, cuts here there and everywhere so as to be able to hold our heads high in the financial world once more.

What the ‘righteous’ have done to people like “Wild Bill” is disgraceful, it is beyond the bounds of belief, it is hypocrisy at its worst. People power is the only weapon we have left, forget possessions for that is what ‘they’ bank on us worrying about to keep us in order. If smokers don’t work (and Banzhaff doesn’t want smokers employed!) then let it be the way. How will they cope with 15 million unemployed and an army of healthy centenarians claiming pensions?

This is what they are heading for. The healthists are blind to the obvious. This is all they deserve.

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