The creature known as Treasury minister Justine Greening is to make yet another horrendous gaffe as she reduces the guidelines for travellers bringing back smoking materials from 3,200 fags – 800 & £kg – 1 kg of hand rolling tobacco. This is part of a Treasury attempt to claw back some of the £2.2bn in tax lost to tobacco smuggling every year. Hang on a minute, people on legitimate excursions abroad are NOT smuggling, they are bringing back amounts of tobacco products ‘for their own personal use’ (supposedly).

Smugglers are people who purposely bring in truckloads of the stuff to sell cheaply, to make a quick profit. Smugglers are organised crime syndicates that manufacture ‘crappo’ fags in faraway places and then bring them over here to sell, at a much reduced price, where-ever a sale may be occasioned. There is a massive market for these cheap imports, not surprising really seeing as how this government had the impudence to raise tobacco taxes by a ridiculous amount yet again!

This is where they don’t learn at all. The continuous increases are now boring, predictable and prove, yet again, that those affected by the tobacco control disease truly are brainless!

Smokers enjoy smoking, never mind the ASHtrash that states 800% 80% os smokers really don’t want to smoke and are crying out for help in quitting, smokers enjoy smoking-simple as that. The government enjoys the luxury of circa £10bn in revenue from all those happy smokers yet they insist on punishing them for giving them bundles of wedge.

With Golden Virginia 50g £4.60 Belgium but £14.09 Tesco is it, therefore, any surprise that this writer advocated, a couple of weeks ago, that all tobacco supplies be purchased abroad? This government do not deserve our support, they do not deserve our generosity and they certainly do not deserve our spending power. They (government) have already learned that our spending power severely affects businesses-after all, just look at the demise of the pub/club scene over the past 4 years. And that’s nowhere near finished its decline as both Punch & Enterprise need to shed more than 2,000 ‘less than viable properties within our portfolio’ in order to stabilise their remaining portfolio-though how long their remaining portfolio will remain as such is anyone’s guess!

The government never learn, they never seem to want to learn, but as I’ve always said, “3 months in Westminster and they lose the plot completely”. I don’t think I am wrong! They are concerned about losing £2.2bn per annum to smugglers so they immediately increase tobacco taxes (brilliant move) and then, to top it all up even further, decide that imposing tighter restrictions on ‘allowables’ from abroad will help toward this goal. It has not even occurred to these dimwits that it will have the opposite effect completely. However, the thing to note is that these are only guidelines, not laws. It just means that UKBA will virtually be able to stop anyone they feel inclined to stop ‘just in case the new guidelines have been ignored’. They are a law unto themselves and this will make these tin pot Hitlerites even more loathsome as honest travellers go about their lawful business.


7. Minimum indicative levels are guide levels set by EU Member States to determine whether imported goods are for personal use. There are no limits to volumes of tobacco travellers can bring back from the EU provided the goods are transported by them and are genuinely for their own use. 

We advocated trips abroad for the sole purpose of tobacco purchasing a few weeks ago and we re-iterate this call. We at freedom2choose are more than willing to do our bit to thwart smugglers their profits from their £multimillion trade. If we know that our friends have been abroad, to legitimately purchase tobacco products then we know that we have done our job to help our government. Not only that, we also know that the tobacco we have purchased is legitimate tobacco-not 30% tobacco with 70% of ‘God knows what’ in it!

Our good friend Smoking Hot kindly offered two separate routes to tobacco purchases a couple of weeks ago and we have already had some responses to this most generous offer. Now you see how ‘double-dyed’ this government really are I can only ask that more of you pluck up the courage to join Smokin’ Hot on one of these trips. Remember, you are doing nothing illegal, you are simply exercising your right to purchase goods abroad. Even if you are worried, ‘Smokin’ will educate you in ‘the ways’ – on the way over the water. His brushes with authoritarian UKBA are becoming legendary, all you have to remember that if you only bring back 6 months supply they have got to prove that you have not brought them for any other use but your own! Simples.

The time has come for smokers to start banding together, not bicker amongst themselves. Remember governments motto “Divide & Conquer”, they have used it well.

Of course, that repulsive creature Debs Arnott has put her ‘2penneth’ in by claiming that ASH are pleased (as usual) that smuggling is being tackled with even more zest than ever-but then she would say anything about anything tobacco just to keep her snout in the trough! No tobacco, no smokers, no job Debs-think on.

For those that want to have a mini trip abroad for their tobacco (which is legal) simply find me on the contacts section and drop me a line, I will happily pass your details onto our friend Smokin Hot. Remember also, you are doing your duty as you are thwarting the smugglers as you are buying legal tobacco products! Freedom2choose fully believe in helping to stamp out the smuggling trade which is costing our country dearly (£2.2bn apparently) which is why we implore you all to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity courtesy of F2C & SH!

Happy shopping folks.

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