I have had the unsavoury pleasure task of trawling through the long awaited “Evidence Review” of the smoke ban legislation, created by that great & well known writer of fairy tales ‘Hans-Linda Bauld-Andersson’, who lives in a bath apparently-sorry is a professor at Bath University!

When this report was completed she was Professor of Social Policy and Head of Department in the Department of Social and Policy Sciences at the University of Bath.  She is now known as “Linda Bauld –  Professor of Socio-Management at the University of Stirling and the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies.” So, she has been shunted off ‘up north’ for her sins and her 30 pieces of silver appear to have included this new title of the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies.

I have attached the link for you all to have the displeasure of reading what tantamounts to just another complete fabrication to suit government mood of the day-withouit any regard for fellow human beings’ enjoyment, pleasures, employment or lifestyle. This is purely designed to suit what ‘they‘ want and it proves that ‘they‘ are liars-plain and simple!

I won’t drag you through the whole sorry report, but I will point you toward some of what Lansley will trumpet as ‘proof’ that the legislation is working…err…because the report says so! As comrade Puddlecote notes parts of the Linda Bauld review are based on evidence supplied by… err… Linda Bauld. No self-promotion then from a leading anti-tobacco activist!

To the report (prepare sick bags please):-

A significant body of UK and international evidence now exists which demonstrates that smokefree laws are effective in reducing exposure to SHS.

Now this is an incredibly obvious statement considering that smoking in ALL workplaces was banned from July 1st, 2007! If people are not allowed to smoke whilst working then the above is blindingly obvious, it does not need a professor of ‘pillockry’ to announce it-though Andrew Lansley and the anti’s will lap this opening sentence up.

The health impacts of SHS exposure are well documented and international evidence has shown that smokefree laws can have a positive impact on health.

The health impacts-yes, the heart attack studies which are alluded to! Why are these people allowed to quote totally flawed & debunked studies just because the figures suit? It is exceedingly obvious that government is happy to rely on lies to enforce that which was built on lies-not exactly a good role model for the people to follow. Despite much searching I have still failed to find someone who is alive that ‘should have been dead’ several hours, days, weeks, months ago, so where is this positive impact on health? The myth has been created-and will be promoted for ever more.

 A study looking at the impact of the law in particular communities found a general pattern of smokers cutting down their tobacco consumption in all locations where the study took place.

Excuse me ‘professor extremist anti’ (PEA) but where exactly did this location sit-in a mental hospital where the poor patients cannot retaliate to imposed rules? Tobacco consumption is actually on the increase and certainly has not decreased. S Ireland have had to admit complete failure as they have seen a 2% rise in smoker prevalence. It would seem that 5 years ago, 25% of the Scots dared to smoke-they still do, so I am not sure exactly where the ‘PEA’ got her statistical data from.

The introduction of smokefree legislation can involve significant changes for some employers, in particular those in the hospitality industry. International evidence suggests that, after allowing for short-term costs associated with the legislation (e.g. new signage, employee training), the introduction of smokefree legislation has a net positive effect on businesses.

The ‘net positive effect on businesses’ being the positive effect of 8,000 venues closed down, 100,000 jobs lost, bankruptcies running amok (and the government has increased the fee just compound the poverty!) and that’s only the pubs & clubs. I don’t think the ‘PEA‘ even counted the Bingo Halls that have gone to the wall-a mere average of two per week. I beg to differ with the ‘PEA’ but I fail to see where this net positive effect actually stems from-perhaps Mr Andrew Lansley may be good enough to enlighten me?

I could continue this total dismissal of £487,000 worth of worthless written garbage-it includes 23 pages of similar bilge-but I will spare you the trouble of wiping away tears of exasperation and beads of angry sweat as you realise the amount of lies this government are prepared to accept in the face of pressure from the World Health Organisation to eradicate smoking/smokers. It is amazing to think that we gave these murderers of our  society a mere US$30,672,454.00 to fund a tobacco war against our own people. The WHO are supposed to be in existence to assist poverty stricken third world countries but seem more that happy to ignore 3rd and concentrate on 2nd-Secondhand Smoke that is. It would also seem that the WHO are exceedingly happy to pressurise poorer nations whose economy (or a large chunk of it) relies on tobacco growth & sale! Venezuela did a U-Turn within 24 hours of implementing their smoke ban, but then tobacco is a major part of their economy. This proof that the WHO care nothing for a nation’s economy.

So, in conclusion, we now know that the CamerCleggs union is as crooked and deceitful as its predecessors, the ‘Goldslayer‘ and the ‘Blairwitch‘. They are sublimely happy to accept completely biased reports that are so laughable as to be absurd. They say they want to get the people’s respect and are helping the people when in actual fact they are doing the opposite, they are turning people against politicians on a daily basis. Even though the lies and fabrications are uncovered, equally on a daily basis, these deceitful people in power have so much disdain for the rank & file that they no longer care what we think-or even if we do think!

Time for more ‘Shipping Shopping’ methinks.

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