Hat tip: Nick b (F2C)

As a kid, I remember reading all these Cowboys & Indian books about how, in America, the west was won. It was amazing how heroic the ‘white man’ always was against the poor defenceless ‘heathen savages’ and I remember thinking how marvellous it was that General Custer got well and truly slaughtered at the ‘Little Bighorn’. The underdog bites back-how true that can be sometimes. From more than 70 tribes that bothered no one, only a few remain on tongue tips nowadays like Commanche, Apache, Sioux, Navajo, Arapaho & Iriquois.

Why did they become famous, almost legendary? Because they stood up for their rights, they stood their ground and did their level best to keep ‘the white man’ off their turf. As we all know, they failed as ‘the white man’ had far too many weapons and far too many bodies for the Red Indians to cope with, hence, many of the tribes are now virtually obsolete. They were discriminated against, their lands diminished considerably by men in authority, their lifestyles changed, after all, they were considered a lawless lot.

Funnily enough that is happening again today but it’s a new type of ‘undesirable heathen’ that the bigger force is trying to wipe out-the smokertribe! Funnily enough, the smokertribe don’t ask for much either, just to be left alone to do what they do best-be smokers! The red indians suffered nationwide, the smokertribe are suffering worldwide as the ‘marauding whiteman’ represented by the WHO (White Honkies anyone?) deem it necessary to eradicate the minority.

In Ireland, we have the same situation as here and in America, but they have brought a new twist to the persecution game. Imprisonment!

Bar owner Paul Finnegan, who runs ” Shenanigans bar on Main Street in Castleblayney, Co Monaghan, is facing three months in jail. He had no idea he was going to prison, as he didn’t attend the hearing, until he read about it in the local paper!

Having twice previously been fined for breaches of this draconian smoking ban, Mr Finnegan claims that he is victim of circumstance as his bar is en route to a school, thus many of the kids are prone to light up in the alleyway that runs alongside his pub. At the hearing, the EHO claimed “he saw people smoking on the premises. Some of who were wearing school uniforms.” Now, being a logical sort of person and having read the above, it is not really surprising that school children are seen smoking on, or near, the premises! The EHO did not state ‘in the premises’…and therein lays a world of difference! A man cannot be working IN his premises and also be patrolling the exterior limits of his premises at the same time, so in reality he is easy prey for the WHO’s henchmen whose job it is to eradicate the smokertribe one by one.

Judge Sean MacBride described Mr Finnegan as totally lawless and sentenced him to the 3 month jail term. He also fined him €2,000. Totally Lawless-that’s bloody priceless! Smoking is legal, last time I checked!

All I can say is that the supposedly honourable judge has acted in a most dishonourable way against his fellow man who has not got the weaponry to fight back against overwhelming odds.

If Mr Finnegan goes to prison, when it seems there was no evidence that he invited these recalcitrant ‘Red Indian’ brats into or onto or even near his premises, the business closes-but then governments like closing businesses.

He also said ” “I can’t do that. My mother and father are sick and I can’t leave them.” I’m very sorry to tell you this Paul, but the government don’t care how many people die because of this ban just so long as they can say they didn’t die of cancer! The costs is immaterial too, for as far as they are concerned one of the smokertribe has been slain. Of course, as soon as the prison gates shut the ‘smokertribe‘ inmate will be furnished with tobacco and papers. You see, the ‘white man’ fears those who have no hope, no possessions, no fear, for they know they have nothing to lose and will fight to the death. They do not want this to occur for it will make martyrs of the smokertribe-a bit like Geronimo & Crazy Horse. The smokertribe need to fight back, the smokertribe need to show great objection to the ways of the puritanical white man, especially when the ‘white man’ uses illegal means (discrimination) to dehumanise and eradicate a minority.

This is the only reason I can think of as to why Mr Finnegan’s imprisonment has not been blasted nationwide mediawise is that very fear factor of ‘smokertribe’ reprisals. Mr Finnegan is going to appeal this ridiculous sentence and I think he is right to do so. Perhaps this is his ‘Little Bighorn’ and perhaps this is where Judge Sean (Custer) MacBride comes to grief!

Let us send our support to Mr Finnegan and wish him well in his appeal and show ‘them’ that this is the way the ‘west was lost’ not won!

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