It had to happen I suppose as the WHO steamroller the entire world with their smoke ban dominated programme of hatred. The Chinese have finally had their smoke bans laws enacted but they are obviously very wary of upsetting 300 million people for there have been no penalties mentioned for those who mistakenly or purposely defy the new laws.

“The move is aimed at curbing the number of deaths from smoking-related diseases, running at a million a year.” Righty ho then, we all know that won’t happen as our very own ban realised an increase in cancer cases (4%M % 3.75%F) in the first year of our ban, so obviously the WHO are not bothered about total misrepresentation of the truth!

“But the new rules have been criticised because they do not include punishments for those who choose to ignore them.” Hang on a minute does this mean that just because a smoking ban has been implemented, smokers suddenly become punishable? Maybe in this f****d up country of ours, yes, but the Chinese run things differently-especially as one factory alone in Yuxi produces 90 billion cigarettes per year! Now THAT is some production! That factory creates jobs for 4,000 people (and robots!). Funnily enough the workers are not allowed to smoke in the factory but then, who would need to?

Instead, employers will be obliged to warn staff of the dangers of smoking but not to forbid them from lighting up at their desks. You can imagine it can’t you, they now employ a little ‘Mr Myagi’ to keep running round the workspace…“aaaah, great and illustrious pen pushaaa, smokin’ is vary bad for yooo Daniel san“, a quick bow and he’s off to the next one. Still, it’s a damn sight better than what we have got here, thanks to ASH, CRUK & limitless numbers of idiots in parliament. The Chinese seem to have accepted the truth which is that smoking is a legal pursuit and that it is your own freedom of choice as to whether you do or do not smoke. Apparently, 300m say ‘we do’ and that means a considerable amount of revenue for the Chinese government.

Another way of looking at the Chinese implementation is that they realise the value of their workforce and their industry, thus keeping them happy is of paramount importance. Not ban judges really! Over here, well, what does it really matter? Industry is going down the pan, immigration is at the gallop and we have an unelected bunch of cretins telling us what we can and can’t do-when most of them have absolutely no idea of what makes this country tick! The idea of a European superstate with a single currency is laughable at best as our tax laws are way out of line with the rest of Europe and for every £3 ‘we spend’ in Europe, we get a whole £1 back. Financial suicide.

Back to China and we find that although a smoking ban is in force, very little is done to enforce it. business owners, naturally, complain when people can’t smoke, so they let them smoke, but it seems China prefers a softly, softly approach through education not punishment. Unlike our ‘shower of dictatorial shite’ who wish not to punish but to financially crucify any offender, any allowance of an offender and even possible offenders (oh yes they have!).

The Chinese obviously care about their industry and unemployment whereas ‘our shower of dictatorial shite’ seem oblivious that such things matter. One can only draw that conclusion as we now have 8,000 businesses closed, slightly more than 100,000 rendered unemployed-and plenty more to come.

So, the Chinese have shown some humanity, strange for a nation that enjoy bringing the troops into play at every possibility of threat. Perhaps we do have things to learn from the Chinese – and not only in industry!

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