The long-awaited review of the smoking ban has arrived but no one who reads this report in an open-minded way will be taken in by it — it is riddled with basic errors. Linda Bauld, has proven nothing with this report apart from the fact that she is a true anti-tobacco activist. Parts of the Linda Bauld review are backed by evidence provided by… Linda Bauld! At a cost of £487,000 this truly is a shoddy production worthy of any fumbling 16 year old medical student learning their craft.

This ‘report’ has all the hallmarks of an ill-prepared document put together as hastily as possible. Where there is ample evidence of downturns in trade the author chooses to humour the paymaster by declaring positive claims for the smoking ban. Where there is need for licensees’ opinions, peoples’ opinions there is nothing. In fact, the long-awaited Smoking Ban Review is full of nothing!

(Link to Story no Longer Available)