The goings-on in this world, especially this country never cease to amaze me folks! Today we hear that Lord Taylor of Warwick has been sentenced to 12 months imprisonment for falsely claiming £11,277.80 in expenses. I am reliably informed that the dungeons at Warwick Castle are for paying visitors only so ‘Lord’ Taylor won’t be going there for his stint of ‘bird’, instead Wandsworth looks favourite at the moment where he will be subjected to much taunting and derision-oh how the mighty are fallen!

Lord Taylor of Warwick has been jailed for 12 months

So that’s the wheeler-dealering lord disposed of for a year…err, not quite as he could be freed after serving just three months of his sentence under early release rules for non-violent prisoners who pose a low risk. Three months? 12 months reduces itself to 12 weeks just so long as he doesn’t go round beating other prisoners up-not a bad idea that, for copping over £11K (excepting of course, that the good Lord payed it all back before being sentenced!). Question has to be that if he hadn’t repaid the fraudulently gained dosh, would he have still got 12 months or would it have been longer? This we will never know. He should be OK in there as, being a former barrister, he will be able to set up a free legal advice service without any bother at all as did John Stonehouse  between 1976-79.

Funny that, another politician involved in fraudulent activities! They obviously don’t get paid enough.

So, we now know that our fiddling lord could only ‘do’ 12 weeks for £11 K’s worth of stealing money from every single citizen of this country yet I have come across a very naughty gentleman from Greenham (yes, that’s the Common place) who has been rewarded with 16 weeks in the chokey for the heinous crime of stealing four, yes 4, cans of beer from the Co-op Stores in Theale. Obviously, one should not steal from Theale!

Sixteen weeks means that with good behaviour he will serve eleven weeks – and perhaps less if it wasn’t a violent theft-did he resist arrest? did the cans resist atheft? The point quite obviously is the comparison here! ‘Lord snooty’ will ‘do’ 12 weeks for £11,277.80 and Mr Paul Moth will serve one week less for about £2.80! Some equality and justice there folks! perhaps he should have had Lord Taylor to represent him in court?

Now we come to the smoky bit folks. Headlined as: –

Man jailed for stealing cigarettes

Christopher Blake stole two packets of cigarettes from a shop in North Street, Bridgewater. He was also accused of attempted robbery but the report does not give any further details apart from the fact that an offensive weapon (knife) was denied by Mr Blake and the charge ‘lays on file’. For his forty fags (I’m assuming this chap had the senses to demand 20 packs!) he received a thirty month sentence, yes 30 months for fags valued at approximately £10. Bloody hellfire, on that scale Lord Taylor would never get out of prison!

Thirty months means he will serve at least 20 months (1/3rd remission) but there will be no further reduction as this was obviously (by the sentence) viewed as an “aggravated crime”. forty fags, twenty months, two fags per month, half a fag per week, dear oh dear this works out at about 12.5p per week compared to Lord Taylors £939.82p per week!

But then we should all be wise to the tricks of the judiciary by now as we know that cigarettes are the new evil, we know that alcohol is on the agenda and that the obese are already coming under the health lobby’s hammer so it is easy to see that 4 cans of booze & 40 fags are as damnable (if not more so) than our fiddling Lord who merely robbed from the poor (us, people, US!) to give to the rich (himself).

I am truly amazed that, after repaying the £11,277.80p, he wasn’t rewarded with a suspended sentence for his admission of guilt and integrity! I wonder if he’ll learn how to roll a fag up inside?

(Link to Story is no Longer Available)