just over 4 years ago I warned a couple of drinking buddies (yes, we did have such then) to sell their shares in Punch Taverns asap. They laughed. I didn’t. One of them sold all 1,000 shares @ £13.52 if I remember correctly, the other sold half-well he always was a disbelieving soul. Remarkably the non-smoker sold all his shares, the smoker only half! It’s OK, I’ve never worked that one out either.

Back then, when it became apparent that alcohol would be next I also warned of the plastic ‘drinks allowance card’ that would be brought in to curtail drinkers to, say, 5 pints per night; ie, once your card has been swiped by the bar person on 5 occasions in any one 24hr period you are stuffed-no more booze for you-go home.

That suggestion was met with hoots of derision-you won’t be hooting to loudly now! It could be 3 pints!

I don’t know why we’ve even got a government anymore? Just shift the entire RCP into Westminster! If I still had a pub (pardon?) I would be advertising in the ‘rent-a mug‘ magazine for a purchaser immediately as this will be the final nail in the coffin!

(Link to Story no Longer Available)