It had to happen somewhere in this country. There had to be one ‘Bloomberger’ somewhere who embraced the lunatics ideals of a smokefree New York by wanting similar for ‘his’ town-only in this case it’s the world famous…. hang on…. what’s it called…. got it…. Stony Stratford, it was on the tip of my tongue! Has there ever been a song about Stony Stratford?

Michael Bloomberg, the lunatic who thinks banning smoking in parks, on sidewalks, beaches etc can dramatically improve New Yorkers health when there are approximately 12,800 yellow cabs spewing out highly toxic ehaust fumes 24-7!

Michael Bloomberg, the lunatic who thinks banning smoking in parks, on sidewalks, beaches etc can dramatically improve New Yorkers health when there are approximately 12,800 yellow cabs spewing out highly toxic exhaust fumes 24-7!

Now we have a Bloomberg wannabe in the shape of Councillor Paul Pillock Bartlett who thinks that Stony Stratford should become as vile a place as New York by banning smoking here, there and (apparently) everywhere!

Paul Bartlett, the man who is making the proposal is, rather strangely, interviewed and shown picking up cigarette butts outside the Tesco’s Store in Kingston, Milton Keynes.  That’s nearly 10 miles away from the picturesque High Street of Stony Stratford! Is he performing some form of community service order imposed by his local courts?

Naturally there has been uproar from the smoking fraternity and non-smokers alike as this ludicrous proposal is to be debated on July 19th-no doubt ASH will contrive to be present!

Heavyweight opposition has immediately arrived in the shape of UKIP supremo Nigel Farage who gave Mr Barlett very short shrift indeed.

Nigel Farage, UKIP supremo who wants the smoking ban amended and Britain out of the EU-good man!

Typically, Nigel turned up in a rather grand smoking jacket to lambast Mr Bartlett as that ‘ghastly little man’ and asked if society should start banning doughnuts, fish & chips and/or alcohol? They say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but in this case sarcasm and mockery sound truly wonderful to the ears!

(BBC Video No Longer Avaliable)

Stony Stratford has the correct initials ‘SS’ for Mr Bartlett is showing all the right signs to be stood at Hitler’s right-hand side. God help the residents!