Firstly, I must apologise for the small print, we are working on the problem with the programme and will return to normal asap. Secondly, adjust your eyes to the smaller print for a great victory has been won through the efforts of one Dick Puddlecote and his associates at freedom2choose.

Stony Stratford has been a victory for common sense and tolerance. As many who made the journey there last Saturday will testify, the more the locals were talked to, the less enchanted with Councillor Bartlett’s outlandish proposals we knew they were! In actual fact, last night’s council meeting proved just that as only Councillor Bartlett and one other voted for Councillor Bartlett! The ‘stand-off in Stony Stratford’ had turned into Councillor Bartlett’s personal “Slaughter Bridge”-they only way out was to jump and hope the tide was in!

Last night’s vote also proved that people have had enough of this nanny state business. OK, some people don’t like smoke/smoking/smokers but with 25% of the population being such it is a part of everyday life and had CHOICE been afforded in the first place, we would not have silly little men like Don Quixote Bartlett trying to exert their non-smoking will on the rest of us.

Neither of last night’s two proposals were even ‘seconded’ hence they were dropped from the agenda but there was a 3rd proposal-that Councillor Bartlett resign. Now I do believe that proposal was seconded!

Last night’s meeting and Saturdays protest by dedicated human rights observers proves unequivocally that this government (and previous) have gone too far with the bully tactics of the nanny state. We are adults, we are able to make informed choices for ourselves, we do not need some half-baked medical lunatic (or fake charity) spouting masses of distorted half-truths at us all the time to make us feel inferior.

Stony Stratford has proven beyond doubt that when we do stand up and fight the people back us, for they are now beginning to see the truth behind ASH, the WHO, etc etc. I have always said that the only thing we have at our disposal is people power and now I know I am right for the people of Stony Stratford showed exactly what people power does achieve!

(Link to Story no Longer Available)