The UK Government wants all smoking citizens to give up smoking for the month of October. They have a whizzo title for their campaign: STOPTOBER.

We are rolling on the floor laughing at their wit.The choice of this wonderfully intelligent play on words demonstrates conclusively the matchless  humour level of prohibitionists, and what they believe will appeal to people who smoke.

Hell, even the jingle “More reasons to shop at Morrison’s” has a jaunty awfulness about it which works a million times better.

This is total AdFail and really deserves one of those double facepalms..when one is not enough.

Anyway, a number of bloggers and groups have decided to publicise an alternative slogan: OCTABBER (Oc-tabber? Tab= cigarette) for those like me who won’t be stopping smoking. So we’re joining in, with this article.

Thanks to Chris Snowden for the original idea, to Lawson Nurse for designing the above poster and to Belinda Cunnison and many others. Blogger Pat Nurse has written at length on it here and has attracted some excellent comments already.